Tasty Thursday - Healthy Apple Pie Smoothie

The snowstorm is done.  I think we got 4-6 inches.  Now today it was 49 degrees outside.   The weather doesn't know if it's supposed to be spring or winter.  I was glad that I didn't shovel because by tomorrow it'll be all melted.  The good news is that we aren't supposed to get any more snow, at least for a while, and this weekend it's supposed to be in the 60s.  There's hope for spring yet.

My recipe today is one that I tried this week.  I didn't not like it, but I think I need to adjust a few things.

Healthy Apple Pie Smoothie

6 oz Vanilla Yogurt

1 apple, chopped

1/2 cup milk

1 Tablespoon Honey

1/2 cup ice cubes

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

Place all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth,

You don't even  have to peel the apple.  That helps make it super easy, so I'm liking that part.  It tasted like an apple pie, but just different since it was in a smoothie version.  I didn't measure the cinnamon, but definately would add more than what I had.  I just sprinkled some in the blender and let it go. 

Like I said, I'd try it again.  Wasn't too bad, but maybe I just have to get used to it.  It was a smoothie without chocolate.  Maybe that is what is throwing me off.  

Until next time...Stampin' Always,

Cheryl, HomeStyle Stamper